I unexpectedly had an incredibly painful nerve flair in my wrist as a result of untreated carpal tunnel.  The pain flared from a 2 level to a 10+ level in a manner of seconds.  The only other time I have used a pain level of 10 was with kidney stones.  This pain was definitely worse than that and I was literally screaming, crying and running around not knowing what to do with this unbelievable pain.

I got in touch with Janne Gibbs because I knew she was both a FNP and an energy healer and I knew she could help if anyone could.  Janne immediately proceeded with Healing Touch and because of her extensive experience, she knew she had to increase the distance between us to affect a positive change.  She continued doing Healing Touch and the pain calmed down to a livable level of 3-4 which was good until I could see my doctor that day and get a steroid injection.

I was literally going out of body and mind due to nerve pain and Janne knew exactly what had to be done, right in the moment.  I will never forget that incidence and I know I can count on Janne for help with acute pain.  I have also lived with chronic pain for 20 years and I highly recommend Janne to anyone experiencing acute or chronic pain.  She has an extensive array of education, specialized training and experience that truly covers a wide range of modalities that will fit just about any problem I may have.  Most importantly, Janne has compassion and kindness in her approach which I find calming and reassuring.  


I first met Janne Gibbs around 2000 when we worked together at a clinic in McKinleyville. Janne was working with a variety of patients, doing Guided Imagery and energy work. She walked in and touched my shoulder after realizing I was a bit tense while sitting and doing paperwork. I immediately felt the muscles all down my back just relax. It was amazing.

So before and after my back surgery 4/2020, I asked Janne to work with me. Friends had been suggesting Reiki treatments, so I looked for practitioners. I was so happy to learn that  Janne offers  Reiki as one of her many skills. I wanted to go into surgery energetically as balanced and positive as possible. And I wanted to recover as fast and completely as possible. 

I am on the recovery side now of fifth spine surgery and I am improving more rapidly than with any previous surgery.  Janne has so many skills and she blends them skillfully to meet her client’s needs. 

I am deeply grateful. 

Dr. D. Dickinson, MD


Throughout my life, I have experienced various types of pain associated with a multitude of chronic health conditions and I have been incredibly fortunate to benefit from healing touch, acupressure and guided imagery as Janne Gibbs, who is my mother, has learned and become proficient in these modalities over the years. Janne has a natural talent for this type of healing work, such that as a psychotherapist, I have referred those clients of mine to her who can also benefit greatly.

Alysia Hays, LCSW